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Hugau Gestion (SAS) est une société de gestion de portefeuille agréée par l’AMF (agrément AMF N° GP06 000008 du 27 juin 2006).
SAS au capital de 1 143 750 euros.
Inscrite au RCS Paris sous le N° 490 485 422
1-3-5 rue Paul Cézanne, 75008 Paris
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Conception et réalisation du Site Internet Hugau Gestion :
Agence web 6LAB à Paris


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Disclaimer for Qualified investors in Switzerland

This section of the website provides information on funds which are registered for marketing to qualified investors in Switzerland. Access to this section of the website is strictly reserved for qualified investors in Switzerland in accordance with Article 10, paragraphs 3, 3bis and 3ter of the amended law on collective investments of 23 June 2006.

All of the documents relating to the collective investment schemes (CIS, hereafter referred to as “funds”) available to qualified investors in Switzerland may be obtained from the Swiss representative and the Swiss paying agent.

The funds presented on this section of the website may not be available to persons subject to another jurisdiction by virtue of their nationality, their place of residence, or any other reason. See the Terms and conditions.

The user is solely responsible for correctly indicating his/her country, categorisation, and language before accessing sections of this website with information relating to funds, in accordance with the Terms and conditions.

The website is provided for information purposes only. No part of this website constitutes an offer or solicitation to invest in funds managed by Hugau Gestion. See the Terms and conditions.

Prospective investors should be aware that past performance is no indication of future returns. All investment entails risk. Prospective investors should refer to the prospectus, the Key Investor Information Document (KIID), the most recent annual report and semi-annual report, if this is more recent.

Prospective investors should generally seek professional advice before making an investment decision. See the Terms and conditions.

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