We are an independent management company specializing in interest rate products. We offer a full range of progressive duration UCIs for our institutional clients, companies, private bankers, family offices and CGPs, as well as dedicated funds. Finally, in 2023 we manage more than EUR 800m through our various UCIs.

Our top-of-the-range offer is based on three pillars: independence, expertise and customer satisfaction.

The performance-risk balance is at the heart of our management through our in-house economic research and our proprietary analysis of markets and companies. We regularly share our economic analyzes with our customers and partners in the form of periodic publications at appropriate intervals (weekly flash, monthly, quarterly, annual report, etc.). Finally, since 2018 and our adherence to the Principles for Responsible Investments (PRI), sustainability and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria are an integral part of our management system.


Our company was created in 2006 by two co-founders (Daniel Huguel and Catherine Huguel), recognized experts in their field.
This is their second creation of a management company after the Ecofi Group. At Hugau Gestion, over the years, we have managed to preserve our entrepreneurial spirit and our independence. Our management strategy is therefore personal, while remaining within the regulatory framework that currently governs management activity in France. Beyond that, our governance model is based both on the collective and on individual responsibility through, in particular, the opening of the capital to the main “key” employees.


Monetary and bond management is our core business.
Our team is made up of twelve experienced collaborators. Beyond their adherence to our entrepreneurial values, they put their high-level technical know-how and their experience at the service of the performance of our funds. As such, we are one of the rare management boutiques to develop true monetary and bond management engineering. Since our creation, our strategy has been to favor corporate signatures in our monetary and bond funds, convinced that a company having survived the wars of the early 20th century was sometimes more solid while offering more yield than a sovereign bond of indebted country. Beyond that, our in-depth knowledge of the bond markets, and our dynamic approach to financial management, that is to say, throughout the life of the investment, sets us apart from more traditional competition on these products. , which remains, moreover, the prerogative of large groups. Since 2006 and in the interests of unitholders, the performance of interest rate UCIs has enabled our development and the increase in our assets under management. We have built up reserves that underpin our balance sheet strength today.


The customer relationship is at the heart of our management system.
Indeed, our proximity and good knowledge of your objectives and your investment horizons allow us to offer you a "tailor-made" offer, adapted to your needs.
Our credo: create a relationship of mutual trust over the long term, at the service of performance. All in all, our "club" approach to investment allows us to offer you the optimal investment of your cash.

60, rue Saint-Lazare
75009 Paris
Phone: +33 1 78 09 83 20
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