
Investment strategy


Our investment strategy is a combination of careful micro and macro analysis. We always combine both analyses to come up with the best possible evaluations for our investment decisions and we closely interact on our knowledge and expertise of both the bond and equity markets. Information from both arenas together are vital in order to take correct investment decisions that will generate added value for our clients.

Hugau Gestion has fully integrated its forecasting (research) and management (investment) functions in its business model. We are not only members of the French Society of Investment Analysts (Société Française des Analystes Financiers). Moreover, our chief investment officer, Dr. Catherine Huguel, is also a member of the highly regarded National Association for Business Economics (NABE) in the US.

Hugau Gestion has also got close and longstanding connections to all major central banks and some of the world´s leading economists. We conduct all of our own proprietary research ourselves and do not rely on the purchased opinion of others. We ourselves need to be convinced that our investment choices fit our tight risk parameters. Our background as actuaries and economists further aids to this.


We manage our risks carefully. We set up a quarterly risk committee that evaluates our investment risks, we have also carefully selected a universe of companies to invest in, based on our 25 years of fund management experience.

Hugau Gestion currently offers a range of six mutual funds with a UCITS IV structure and two FIA. We select our portfolios after carefully conducting a combination of micro and macro economic analysis. Today, two of our main Flag Ship are available for direct marketing in Switzerland
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