


12 month cash dedicated fund. A selection of corporate bonds in Euro, offering a current yield aiming to beat the OAT 1-year. “Investment Grade” credit quality.

Evolution of the Net Asset Value
Source: Hugau Gestion HUGAU 12M OAT Composite 04/N-04/N+1
Fund Indicator
1 Week0,100,10
1 Mois0,780,43
3 Mois1,290,87
1 an5,153,44
3 ans7,592,77
5 ans9,681,62
3 ans2,470,92
1 Week1 Month3 MonthYTD1Y3Y5Y3Y
Source: Hugau Gestion HUGAU 12M OAT Composite 04/N-04/N+1

* Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Les informations contenues dans ce document, bien qu’issues de sources fiables, ne constituent en aucune façon un conseil d’investissement, aussi leur consultation est effectuée sous votre entière responsabilité. Si vous souhaitez investir, rapprochez vous de votre conseiller financier qui vous aidera à évaluer les produits adaptés à vos besoins et vous présentera également les risques potentiels.

Risk Level
  • Low
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • High


L’indicateur synthétique de risque et de rendement (SRRI) est calculé conformément aux dispositions réglementaires applicables aux OPCVM conformes aux normes européennes « UCITS IV ». L’indicateur synthétique de risque et de rendement est basé sur la volatilité des performances passées hebdomadaires de l’OPCVM. Il donne une indication de la volatilité des performances passées ainsi qu’une information générale quant au profil de risque de l’OPCVM.

SRRI < 0.5%
  • Faible
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • élevé
SRRI < 0.50%
  • Faible
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • élevé
SRRI < 0.9%
  • Faible
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • élevé
SRRI < 0.5%
  • Faible
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • élevé
SRRI < 0.7%
  • Faible
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • élevé
SRRI < 0.15%
  • Faible
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • élevé
SRRI < 0.45%
  • Faible
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • élevé
Gestion Dédiée
NAV : 11 969,25€ At22/07/2024
Asset : 68,29 M€
  • D-10,1%
  • 1M0,78%
  • 3M1,29%
  • YTD2,49%
  • 1_An5,15%
  • ,,
The management’s expertise of the Hugau Gestion club at your and your money’s service.
  • ISIN code
  • Inception date
  • Par value
    10 000€
  • AMF category
    Euro-denominated Bond & Other Debt Securities Mutual Fund
  • Benchmark
  • Subscription
    Weekly every Friday at 11am (price unknown). Settlement Day+2
  • Subscription/Redemption fee
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You are currently connected to Hugau Gestion web site: www.hugau-gestion.com
French SAS company with a capital of: 1 143 750€
Registered office: 60, rue Saint-Lazare 75009 PARIS
Hugau Gestion is a French Portfolio Management Company approved by the French Financial Authority (AMF) on the 27th of June 2006 under n° GP 06 000008
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Design : Agence web 6LAB
Hosting : Creatyx
In spite of all the attention of our services on the content of this website, Hugau Gestion can not be held responsible for the presence of an eventual error concerning the financial information. Hugau Gestion informs you that the presentation and the content of the website can be modified at every moment.
The information presented on this website does not constitute an offer of products or services that can be assimilated to a public call or an activity of prospecting or soliciting for the purchase of sale.
The information available on this website is purely informatory.
 For further information please contact us: contact@hugau-gestion.com
Past performances are not indicative of future performances which can vary over time and in no way constitute a guarantee of future performance or capital.
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This website presents our different Funds which are authorized in France and eventually in other countries. Before continuing your visit on our website, please notice the terms and conditions. The acceptance of these conditions is necessary to continue your visit on our website. If you do not accept the terms and conditions, you should immediately discontinue any use of this website. Hugau Gestion cannot be held liable under any circumstance for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use and consultation of this site.
You are currently connected to Hugau Gestion web site: www.hugau-gestion.com
French SAS company with a capital of: 1 143 750€
Registered office: 60, rue Saint-Lazare 75009 PARIS
Hugau Gestion is a French Portfolio Management Company approved by the French Financial Authority (AMF) on the 27th of June 2006 under n° GP 06 000008
Website design and hosting :
Design : Agence web 6LAB
Hosting : Creatyx
In spite of all the attention of our services on the content of this website, Hugau Gestion can not be held responsible for the presence of an eventual error concerning the financial information. Hugau Gestion informs you that the presentation and the content of the website can be modified at every moment.
The information presented on this website does not constitute an offer of products or services that can be assimilated to a public call or an activity of prospecting or soliciting for the purchase of sale.
The information available on this website is purely informatory.
 For further information please contact us: contact@hugau-gestion.com
Past performances are not indicative of future performances which can vary over time and in no way constitute a guarantee of future performance or capital.
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